3 Critical Disney Lessons From 2022

3 Critical Disney Lessons From 2022

Let’s look at the past year not from some list of what happened, but how that list of what happened tiers up into three important lessons any organization should take from Disney out of 2022. These lessons clearly illustrate the importance of customer loyalty, i.e., Disney fans; How demand really inflates price; and why delivery must exceed expectations. We’ll bring you examples of how this has occurred throughout all of 2022, and then help you understand the implications to your own organization. Join us in this podcast as we explore these three critical Disney lessons from 2022.

The podcast is available on PodbeaniTunesSpotify,  and ListenNotes. Please subscribe to the podcast and to this website so you can be notified of upcoming posts and podcasts.

Below is an outline of what we cover on the podcast:

1. Fandom (Customer Loyalty) Matters

  • Chain Reaction of Excellence
  • D23 Experience
  • My Disney Experience
    • Disney Annual Pass For Self & Family: $4K
    • Per Cap Spending: $2500
    • Disneyland Paris: $4K
    • D23 & Disneyland: 1.5K
    • Disney Cruise Line with Family: $4K (Sub Total: $20K)
    • Hosting Groups at Disney: $50K

2. Demand Inflates Price

  • Disney Examples:
    • MNSSHP & MVMCP $199
    • WDW Tours Disney VIP: >3K-6K with 7 Hours for 10 People
    • Waiting 7 Hours for $25 Figment Popcorn Buckets
  • Comparable Big Ticket Items
    • Broadway Ticket: $113
    • 1 Day Deer Valley Ski Resort Ticket: $269 on January 1st 2023
    • NFL Game $142 on Average/$195 Tops
    • Beer: $15
  • Why Is Price Higher?
    • Expectations are Higher
    • World Population Is Greater
    • Disposable Income in 1971: $4002; 2021: $55,710
    • Dynamic Ticket Pricing–Even Used by Professional Sports Teams
    • Disney Reservation System

3. Expectations Must Be Exceeded & Worth the Price

“Well, I think by this time my staff are convinced that Walt is right. That quality will out. And so I think they’re going to stay with that policy because it’s proved that it’s a good business policy. Give the people everything you can give them. Keep the place as clean as you can keep it. Keep it friendly, you know. Make it a real fun place to be. I think they’re convinced and I think they’ll hang on after… as you say… well… after Disney.”  – Walt Disney

  • 6 Ps Formula
  • Where It Worked:
    • Guardians of the Galaxy & Epcot Additions
    • Disney+ & Andor
    • Disneyland Paris
    • Avatar: The Way of Water
  • Where It Didn’t Work
    • Galactic StarCruiser
    • Blue Sky at D23
    • Space 220
  • Exceeding Expectations Can Be Low/No Cost: Donald Duck Note
  • Bob Iger Letter: “We will continue to do our best to exceed your highest expectations.”

Inc Magazine: “That’s one of the reasons Chapek got himself in trouble. He wasn’t good at setting expectations, and he was even worse at living up to the ones customers set for themselves.”

Souvenirs For You & Your Organization

The following are complimentary ideas that you can take back to your own organization for consideration.

Customer Loyalty Matters

  • What is the value of a customer retained? What is the value if the customer is lost (Jet Blue vs. Delta)
  • What do I do to show that my customers matter?
  • How do I truly offer great experiences for my loyal customers?

Demand Inflates Price

  • What marketplace offerings are comparable to the kind of offerings my organization provides?
  • How do I make sure value is retained?
  • How do I keep demand going?

Exceeding Expectations

  • What does it mean to meet expectations?
  • What does it mean to exceed expectations?
  • What are low/no cost ways I could exceed expectations?

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There are four tiers to our society, two of which are available to all who love Disney and are fans. The second two tiers not only celebrate all things Disney, but focus on best-in-business practices from the happiest and most magical places on earth that can be applied to your own organization. All of them offer unique offerings only available here at Disney at Work and Play. For instance, right now subscribers to the three top tiers can experience a deep dive into Pirates of the Caribbean unlike any other.

And now we’re happy to announce that first Explorer tier is only $1.00 a month. And with that you not only help to support us but will receive access to one of our Disney at Play Discoveries: Pandora World of Avatar: To see a sneak peek at all that’s offered on this truly unique interactive guide, please visit us at the Wayfinder Society. While there you can also get a sneak peek at our Disney at Work Interactive Tour of Disneyland, available to our Navigator and Adventurer levels. We promise you content and experiences you can’t get elsewhere. And your patronage goes to help support these podcasts and posts.s

Check out the Wayfinder’s Society to see these two new Sneak Peeks!

J. Jeff Kober