Disneyland Paris: A New Take on Pirates

Disneyland Paris: A New Take on Pirates

Welcome aboard, mateys! We set sail to Disneyland Paris to take a pirate’s plunge of Adventureland. Here we experience a unique version of Pirates of the Caribbean, where a very different approach to the narrative has been taken. With it lies not just an amazing gift shop at the exit, but a tropical restaurant that rivals the very popular Blue Bayou. We also maroon ourselves on Adventure Isle, home to the stories of Swiss Family Robinson, Treasure Island, and Peter Pan. We climb treehouses, explore caves, board ships and swing across bridges. All of this is brought to life for you via our Disney Insights Pirates of the Caribbean Interactive Journey, which I’ll not only share some backstory on, but share with you how you can have a 7 Day Free Trial. So join us for Disneyland Paris: A New Take on Pirates.

This podcast is produced by myself and Performance Journeys, which offers training, development and consultant support to organizations big and small and entrepreneurs new and established. With a wide variety of resources and long-time in-the-trench experience, we offer workshops, online learning, coaching and more to organizations that want to build their teams, raise organizational excellence, improve leadership and create customer loyalty. Check us out at PerformanceJourneys.com.

The substance of this topic can be found on our podcast. You can find this podcast on iTunesSpotifyPodbean, and ListenNotes. Please subscribe to the podcast so you can be notified of upcoming shows.

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Disneyland Paris

We’ll cover all these topics and more in our Podcast:

Imagineering Adventureland

Adventure Isle

Pirates of the Caribbean

More Pirates

Our Patreon Group:

What is a Disney Insights Interactive Journey?

In my podcast, I share a little about how we created this multimedia experience that is at the heart of our Patreon Group, The Wayfinder Society. It’s based on a philosophy Walt Disney himself gave:

Dave Lee on X: "Let's let Walt have the last word… “Disneyland is something  that will never be finished. It's something that I can keep developing. It  will be a live, breathing

Patreon Group Levels

Those who join our Wayfinder Society Patreon Group get the opportunity to experience additional podcasts and videos. But better yet, they have a chance to enjoy these interactive guides depending on your tier.

Includes the Disney Insight Interactive Discovery: Mystic Manor.

Creator's selected image for this tier

This offers you access to all Disney Insights Interactive Journeys to include:

  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Celebrating 70 Years of Disneyland
  • Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge
  • Pandora World of Avatar

Know that you can currently enjoy a 7-Day Free Trial to this Patreon level.

The next two levels are for those who seek to take they and their organizations to the next level. It’s for organizations big and small and entrepreneurs new and established. It includes:

  • Lessons From 70 Years of Disneyland: Disney Business Insights Behind the Magic
  • Lessons From Walt Disney World: Disney Business Insights Behind the Magic

Here you have access to two major interactive Disney Business Insights Behind the Magic

This top of the line tier includes all of the above and…

  • Excellence and You Online Learning Modules on
    • Customer Service
    • Performance Excellence
    • Leadership
    • Addressing Change
    • Building for Collaboration
    • And More…
  • Quarterly Excellence & You Chats with J. Jeff Kober

Books From Your Host at Disney Insights

Another way you can support the podcast is through our books!

My new book, A Century of Powerful Disney Insights, Volume I 1923-1973, The Walt & Roy Disney Years is available! 

Also, check out my two of my other books, The Wonderful World of Customer Service at Disney and Disney, Leadership and You

Also, for those examining other business benchmarks beyond Disney, check out Lead with Your Customer: Transform Culture and Brand Into World-Class Excellence.

Find Excellence in Your Organization!

This podcast and post is provided by J. Jeff Kober and Performance Journeys, which celebrates more than 20 years as a training and development group bringing best in business ideas through books, keynotes, workshops, seminars and online tools to help you take your organization to the next level.

Want a Keynote Speaker? More than just nice stories, I offer proven insight and solutions having worked in the trench.

Need Consulting? I’ve worked for decades across the public, private and non-profit arena. 

Need Support? We offer so many classroom, online, and other resources to help you improve your customer service delivery, leadership development and employee engagement.

Contact us today, and let us help.

J. Jeff Kober

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