Disney Insights on Construction Calendars & New Walt Disney World Projects

Several announcements have occurred in recent days regarding attractions closing to make way for upcoming construction activity at Walt Disney World. That information (and the lack of other information) is starting to tell us much about how attractions are going to come on board in the years to come, and even in the months to come. We look at what attraction building criteria is driving those dates, then take a new look at the calendar extending all the way up to 2030. We look closely at some possibilities with new projects named such as Bluey, and the theater in Monstropolis. And we offer some smart low-hanging potential projects Disney could take advantage of to fill its attraction roster. So join us for Disney Insights on construction calendars for new and upcoming Walt Disney World projects.
This podcast is produced by myself and Performance Journeys, which offers training, development and consultant support to organizations big and small and entrepreneurs new and established. With a wide variety of resources and long-time in-the-trench experience, we offer workshops, online learning, coaching and more to organizations that want to build their teams, raise organizational excellence, improve leadership and create customer loyalty. Check us out at PerformanceJourneys.com.
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Sorry we waited a little later to do this podcast, but we wanted the benefit of any news from the 1st Quarter 2025 event that might better inform us. Sad to say, it didn’t really deliver anything substantive.
Criteria for Attraction Building
- We know that certain types of attractions take a certain time period to build out:
- It’s important to have some major attraction premiere each year–particularly one that will create incentive for a Disney fan to make time and effort to check it out
- Closing or refurbishing an attraction has to be timed out, so as to not affect given audiences. For instance, you don’t want too many thrill rides closed out or too many family shows unavailable with in a park or among the cross section of parks.
- Attractions requiring demolition of previous structures can take much longer. Pandora also took 3.5 years in construction. Seven Dwarf’s Mine Train took 3.5 years
- Any attractions requiring a change in the terrain can take much longer
- A major ride remodel can take a couple of years depending on the degree of modification. Great Movie Ride was 2.5 years.
- A major theatrical show can take a year or more–more if animatronic, less if it is a human stage show
- The opening of shows and attractions are usually tied together to create a press event, and that timing can delay the opening of some for the opportunity to combine with others.
- Competition in the marketplace may also factor the timing of a ride or show.
- Don’t forget economic downfalls and pandemics–plus the availability of labor
- Len Testa spoke of needing more engineers. This is comparable to Dept. 410 during Epcot building days.
- Construction people should be on hand shortly after Epic is done being built out.
- Disney is also on a spree to find more maintenance people. Rise of the Resistance and its operating cannons are a symbol of that.
Possible Timeline?
The list below shows my very best educated and informed guess at how the timeline will happen for all these attractions. But know if there is a question mark, that means it has yet to be announced.

Possibilities with New Announced Projects & MORE
Monster’s Laugh Floor Coming to Studios
- Could you incorporate real-time comedic animatronics?
- Could we re-do the sequences and not make the kids jokes the last section?
- Could another section be added that was scarier
- How do you utilize:
- Balconies
- Fiber optic fireworks?
- Blowing out the walls?
- Most importantly, what could be done better and differently to Tomorrowland.

Bluey–It has 55 million minutes on Disney+
- Could this be the centerpiece of Disney jr. Play?
- Could this take over Disney jr. altogether?
- Could there be a utilization or remake of the Star Wars Launch Bay

Semiquincentennial--Where is Disney showing up in the 250th anniversary of America?

Good news is Ken Potrock who was head of Disneyland Resort will transition to a new corporate role overseeing Disney’s involvement in major events like the 2028 Olympics and the 250th.
One of the few things being tossed around is Trump’s interest in a National Garden of American Heroes. I would suggest Disney take the lead on this, and put one in next to the American Adventure or in the plaza between Disneyland and DCA. Then provide the same for a permanent location on the Mall.
Nighttime at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. And with this, turn Restaurantasourus into a table service experience in the evening like Be Our Guest was originally. Was heard that touch ups were being given to the bioluminescent surfaces in Pandora. Challenges with recent drone events make this perhaps not the solution. But DAK needs to own the night.

Use Your Oldest IP
National Geographic is 144 years old. An overlay of Wildlife Express Train and Rafiki’s Planet Watch could benefit from this intellectual property.
Full-Service Dining Experience at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. With it now being made known that the former Starcruiser is going to be office space for
Play Golf:
More things to do are always needed at Disney Springs. A black Light Miniature Golf course would be great at NBA Experience. This would be like Pixar Putt at Disney’s Pixar Hotel which is currently underway

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Books From Your Host at Disney Insights
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Also, check out my two of my other books, The Wonderful World of Customer Service at Disney and Disney, Leadership and You.
Also, for those examining other business benchmarks beyond Disney, check out Lead with Your Customer: Transform Culture and Brand Into World-Class Excellence.
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This podcast and post is provided by J. Jeff Kober and Performance Journeys, which celebrates more than 20 years as a training and development group bringing best in business ideas through books, keynotes, workshops, seminars and online tools to help you take your organization to the next level.
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