Disney Insights On The Emotionally Intelligent Customer Experience

Disney Insights On The Emotionally Intelligent Customer Experience

Ever go into a place of business only to leave asking yourself, “What are they thinking?” How could they be so blind when it comes to how they do business? It’s a fair question asked often. We speak of emotional intelligence when it comes to individuals and how they relate with others 1:1 or perhaps in small groups, but we really don’t talk about it in the context of how we interact with customers, much less approach that relationship strategically. Today we look at The Emotionally Intelligent Customer Experience, where we see how it plays out both tactically and strategically. We look at examples from Disney as to what they do, good and bad, in addressing that customer experience. And we consider how this plays out in your organization, big or small, whether in the public, private or non-profit realm. Join us as we consider the Emotionally Intelligent Customer Experience: Disney Insights for Any Organization.

The substance of this topic can be found on our podcast. You can find this podcast on iTunesSpotifyPodbean, and ListenNotes. Please subscribe to the podcast and to this website so you can be notified of upcoming posts and podcast.

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Thinking of Los Angeles

Our sympathies and concerns for Los Angeles at this time. You can donate support via the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Disney is not only impacted by the fires, but is supporting those in need at this time.

Disney commits $15M to SoCal wildfire recovery efforts

The following is a summary of what we share on the podcast:

Emotional Intelligence & The Emotionally Intelligent Experience

Emotional Intelligence has been studied for decades now. But we seldom get past 1:1 or small group relationships to see its application in the customer domain. What does the emotionally intelligent customer experience look like?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is when one is able to see themselves in the mirror, to understand their own emotions, manage them, and express them, while being intelligent to recognize and even empathize the emotions of others while socially expressing themselves in the right intentional way.

The Emotional Experience is either tactically delivering a customer-focused experience that builds on the needs of customers, and provides the optimal experience possible whether in real time in a one on one interactive approach or strategically across the entire customer experience.

Understanding the Emotionally Intelligent Customer Experience Strategically–Walt Disney

The best example of the most emotionally intelligent customer experience lies with Walt Disney and the establishment of Disneyland. This began with a father who had two daughters who would watch them on the merry-go-round while he sat on the bench and ate peanuts. Couldn’t there be a place where people could go and enjoy their experience together? It took many years, and many reiterations over time. It went from a small train in his backyard to a small park next to his studio to what we now know today as Disneyland. The entire concept is framed in the words:

File:Disneyland plaque.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

He understood the problems of today, and then he invited his guests as he would refer them to enter into the a part of the past where nostalgia had truly touched people. He invited them to escape reality and enter a world of fantasy where dreams came true. And then he welcomed them into a world of tomorrow that would offer hope and possibility. He understood the emotions that guests had in big and small ways. On a large scale he and his artists understood the effects of color, of scale, of architectural design that soothed the soul. In small ways he knew that it would have to be clean, that gum couldn’t be sticking to the ground, so he made choices to make sure flowers were in full bloom, that streets were washed down at night and gum was never sold.

He stood in line with the guests so that he could see what they were experiencing, and went on attractions first hand to see what could be plussed. He embraced technology knowing that it created new ways to entertain like Audio Animatronics, or new attractions like steel coasters. Indeed, he continually sought ways to make the park better, knowing that even the trees would grow and make everything more beautiful. People embraced the experience of visiting what would be known as “The Happiest Place on Earth”, walking away with memories for a lifetime.

He knew the experience was dramatically different when they stepped outside the gates of the park, with its slew of store fronts, cheap motels and quick service eats. So he considered building an entire world where there was as much space as possible to canvas the entire vacation experience. With that he also saw the possibility of an Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow where he thought he could create an emotionally intelligent customer experience for an entire community or city. Unfortunately, he passed on before he could make that a reality. But the ideas he applied in creating an emotionally intelligent customer experience is found throughout Walt Disney World, and in many of the other parks built across the world.

We offer other examples from public, private and non-profit sectors. Be sure to listen!

Under Construction: A look inside Walt Disney's Disneyland

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Books From Your Host at Disney Insights

My new book, A Century of Powerful Disney Insights, Volume I 1923-1973, The Walt & Roy Disney Years is available! 

Also, check out my two of my other books, The Wonderful World of Customer Service at Disney and Disney, Leadership and You

Also, for those examining other business benchmarks beyond Disney, check out Lead with Your Customer: Transform Culture and Brand Into World-Class Excellence.

Find Excellence in Your Organization!

This podcast and post is provided by J. Jeff Kober and Performance Journeys, which celebrates more than 20 years as a training and development group bringing best in business ideas through books, keynotes, workshops, seminars and online tools to help you take your organization to the next level.

Want a Keynote Speaker? More than just nice stories, I offer proven insight and solutions having worked in the trench.

Need Consulting? I’ve worked for decades across the public, private and non-profit arena. 

Need Support? We offer so many classroom, online, and other resources to help you improve your customer service delivery, leadership development and employee engagement.

Contact us today, and let us help.

J. Jeff Kober

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