It’s a Girl! New Baby Gorilla at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

It’s a Girl! New Baby Gorilla at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Baby Grace was born on May 1 at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and she now shares a birthday with Disney’s Hollywood Studios!

Grace’s mom Kashata and the baby’s father, Gino, are part of the Species Survival Plan (SSP). Association of Zoos and Aquariums oversees this program. So, it’s AZA’s job to insure that breeding programs are ran correctly.

Even gorilla’s are getting into the gender reveal experience. Photo credit: Disney

Of course, Grace is being named after a very special place. GRACE gorilla sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo cares for orphaned baby gorillas. Disney’s Animal Kingdom has worked with GRACE for 10 years. So, would you like a cool experience at Disney World this week? Stop over at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. While you’re there, check out Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail. And take a photo of Grace. Because, she’s a doll!

Kathy Kober

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