Danny From “So Dear to My Heart”

A new post at Disney at Work focuses on an old Disney classic, So Dear to My Heart. Some of even the most ardent Disney fans have not heard of this film. It was one of the first live action/animated features that Walt produced not long after World War II. It hearkens to a time similar to his early childhood, growing up in the heartland of the mid west.
The film came to mind when I visited Tokyo Disneyland and saw merchandise focused around the central character of the film, a black sheep named Danny. Here in this frontier trading store was Dear Danny merchandise dedicated to the character, though most had never heard of him.

It made me think about the title of considering one’s self or others a “black sheep”, and how we mistakingly put seemingly negative titles on people or on ourselves. Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles, speaks of this concept and how he utilized “black sheep” at Pixar studios to do incredible things.

You definitely want to check out my Disney at Work post to read more. There’s a lot of great content at my sister site, which focuses on best in business ideas from the Disney parks that you can apply to your own work and your own personal life. Check it out!