Lingering on the Porch of Indecision

Head over to Universal Florida’s CityWalk next time your in Orlando. At Jimmy Buffet’s Margartaville, there is a spot known as the Porch of Indecision. It’s a great place to sit back and linger for a while, enjoying something to eat, and listening to some of Buffet’s biggest hits. It’s ideal for those needing a vacation from their vacation.

We all need a Porch of Indecision from time to time. We need a cozy place to stop and reflect. But life is about moving on. You can’t camp out on the Porch of Indecision forever. As Buffet himself puts it: “Indecision may or may not be my problem.”

At some point we have to take ownership of our dreams, our realities, and move forward. Is your Porch of Indecision a watering hole toward your next goal? Or is it the graveyard to good intentions.

The great writer Goethe states:

“Then indecision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting o’er lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Or as they say in Newsies…Seize the Day!

J. Jeff Kober