Guest Expectations: At Topolino's, Disney's Riviera Resort, & Beyond

Guest Expectations: At Topolino's, Disney's Riviera Resort, & Beyond

It’s been busy here as we’ve been working to help organizations in their efforts to be world-class. But that gives us an opportunity to share a client experience I had while at Walt Disney World this last week. In this Disney at Work podcast, where we share lessons from the Happiest and most Magical Places on Earth, we talk about customer expectations, exceeding them, and building positive perceptions from negative ones. We do this in the setting of Topolino’s Terrace–found on the top of Disney’s new Riviera Resort. It’s the perfect setting to not only discuss expectations, but to consider it in context of Disney’s Vacation Club, and how it is a contrast to tradition time-share industry approaches. Join us for this Disney at Work podcast!

Our podcast carries narrative of the entire experience. You can find the podcast here on PodbeaniTunesSpotify, and ListenNotes. Please subscribe! Be sure to also subscribe to this website, so you’ll get notifications of other forthcoming posts and podcasts.

Customer Expectations

When it comes to customer expectations, here are some key takeaways:

Join Us!

If you want to take your organization to the next level, join us at Walt Disney World or at Disneyland Resort for our upcoming business programs. Both events are in 2021. Contact us to learn more. We also provide in-tact groups. Sign up today!

J. Jeff Kober