When Should You Visit Walt Disney World in 2020/2021?

We’re tackling a difficult issue–when or if you should visit in the next year or two.  I’m your host, J. Jeff Kober. You can find our podcast here on PodbeaniTunesSpotifyMyTuner, and ListenNotes. Key concepts and links are found below along with images, but my own thoughts and impressions are best laid out on the podcast. So please visit both.

Note that much of this is conjuncture, though I have done the best I could to understand all of the variables involved with deciding whether to visit Walt Disney World. So many incidents (such as a major recession) could factor in the months to come. But at this time, if you are a fan who wants to visit in the next two years, this is my best summation of the issues.

Issues Around Visiting Walt Disney World

There are lots of factors related to when you should visit Walt Disney World. We lay out those issues before you, so that you can get an idea of which season is better than another. Study the following, which we cover in detail on the podcast:

Note the following:

  • Summer goes until 2nd week of October
  • Winter of 2021 goes until about mid-February
  • Summer of 2021 goes until September 26th
  • After October 1st goes until June of 2022

Know that if you want an up to date list of attractions that will NOT be opening immediately, visit this site. For a list of restaurants that will NOT be open immediately in the parks, visit this site.

COVID-19 Tools

There’s been a lot said about the large number of rising cases in the State of Florida recently. As it relates to perhaps visiting Central Florida, consider the following issues:

  • Where is the Virus? It’s important that you understand where the numbers are. To see this data in real time, visit Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard site. You should note the number of cases and particularly, the number of deaths in five counties (and in this order:
    1. Orange
    2. Osceola
    3. Polk
    4. Lake
    5. Seminole
  • Hospitalization & Mortality Rates. Even more important, it’s critical that you understand the current hospitalization and mortality rates for Florida. You can see current numbers at this site. Note that it’s uncertain looking at this data whether that is the number of people fighting COVID-19 in a hospital, or the number of people in a hospital who have tested positive for COVID-19

Regardless of where this is going, there is NO substitute in the foreseeable future for:

  • Social Distancing
  • Wearing a Mask Around Others
  • Washing Your Hands and Surfaces Regularly
  • Making Healthy Choices For Yourself

What’s Coming to Walt Disney World

Some things may soon be taken off the table. Some dates are unspecified, and even those dates listed may be moving, but this is the most comprehensive list of new attractions coming to Walt Disney World. Definitely check out this link:

What is New at Walt Disney World

Perhaps you haven’t been to Walt Disney World in a while. Maybe you want to know what’s new. We have the most comprehensive list from the last three or so years. Check out this link as well:

There’s More!

Thanks for joining us. Make sure you check out the following:


It’s where we take best-in-business ideas from the “Happiest Place on Earth” and help apply them to your business organization. Visit DisneyatWork.com


It’s our place for videos and more at my YouTube channel J. Jeff Kober

J. Jeff Kober

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