Easter at Tokyo Disney Sea

Easter at Tokyo Disney Sea

Our three part series started with an egg hunt in Hong Kong Disneyland, followed by eggs and parades in Tokyo Disneyland. This post celebrates the manner in which Tokyo Disney Sea takes on the Spring season. With the pandemic, the parks are closed, so this is a celebration of past Easters.

American Waterfront

Many of the Easter festivities are found in the plaza area of American Water front. These are big instagrammable places.

Photo by J. Jeff Kober.

The following eggs are themed to each of the lands of Tokyo DisneySea. Can you name them?

Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.

Legend of Mythica

Mediterranean Harbor at Tokyo Disney Sea has some lavish shows, and one of the most over the top was probably Legend of Mythica. It’s not an Easter show by any means, but it has utilized eggs in a grandeur that would seem like Faberge eggs on steroids. It’s pretty remarkable, so we thought we would leave you with a few images of that remarkable water pageant.

Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Legend of Mythical. Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.
Photo by J. Jeff Kober.

More Easter & More Tokyo!

We have two other Easter events we covered. One was Tokyo Disneyland

Photo by J. Jeff Kober.

…and the other is an Easter Egg Hunt for Hong Kong Disneyland . Check them out!

Photo by J. Jeff Kober.

Also, join us on Monday, when we have a full post/podcast covering Why we love Tokyo Disney. Be sure to subscribe to our podcasts. You can find our podcast here on PodbeaniTunesSpotifyMyTuner, and ListenNotes.

Thanks for joining us!

J. Jeff Kober

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