Meet Me In The Parks

Meet Me In The Parks

Darren Nord at Epcot

So many apologies to all who haven’t seen a post from me in the last week or so. Great news is that we have some wonderful upcoming posts, podcasts and videos.

Meet Me In The Parks is an opportunity to do a Facebook Live with you while you are visiting Walt Disney World (or any Disney park I’m visiting). I had a great chance to meet up with Darren Nord and his wonderful family. And while my choices on nighttime lighting at Electric Umbrella are poor at best, it was still fun spending time with Darren. Check it out!

If you are visiting, please reach out to me and let me know when you are coming. You choose the park and we’ll find a place to grab a snack and do a video. It’s always fun to meet in the parks!

J. Jeff Kober

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