What is Batuu?

While the park’s land will be known as Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, the land is based on a Star Wars planet known as Batuu. The location on the planet that guests will visit will be known as the Black Spire Outpost. The title, Black Spire Outpost, is named for the petrified remains of its once towering ancient trees. The spires now stand guard across the river valleys and plains and have long captured the imagination of travelers to this planet. To the first settlers, these petrified spires became more than just landmarks; they became the heart of the outpost itself.

TIE Echelon of the First Order stationed at one end of Black Spire Outpost. Photo by J. Jeff Kober.

Black Spire Outpost on Batuu is a remote location on the edge of the galaxy’s Outer Rim territories. Think of it as the last stop before one headed out into Wild Space. It is comparable to Radiator Springs from Cars, as it was once a popular stopping point, but the emergence of light speed technology has left this settlement in the dust. Like Radiator Springs, it’s not a place people frequent anymore. Moreover, this little corner of the universe has faded over time, becoming a place for people who don’t want to be seen–who want to stay in the shadows. For some time, that has consisted of smugglers, bounty hunters and rogue adventurers who wanted to meet up. In recent times, the Resistance has also been gathering in the forest outside of Black Spire Outpost. But they’ve been discovered by the First Order and now they have arrived to check things out. What was a safe haven is no longer the case and now, you’re being recruited to help support the Resistance.